18 September 2018
11 Think Tanks in US and UK draft the legal text of an Ideal Free Trade Agreement: downloadable here.
Simultaneous launches in the UK and US stress political and commercial will of securing a deal between world’s largest and 5th largest economies;
Key policy innovations include:
This morning, a collaborative project spearheaded by the Initiative for Free Trade in London and the Cato Institute in Washington, D.C. presents its first fruit. With contributions from policy experts affiliated with 11 U.S. and U.K. think tanks, The Ideal U.S.-U.K. Free Trade Agreement: A Free Trader’s Perspective is the proposed legal text for a bilateral free trade agreement between two of the world’s largest economies and the two richest English-speaking countries.
With both states deeply committed to the institutions of free-market capitalism and the rule of law, the ideal free trade agreement between the United States and the United Kingdom is an opportunity to create greater prosperity for Brits and Americans. Novel, sensible, transparent rules to eliminate costly barriers to trade will help stimulate innovation, encourage competition, provide opportunities for all, and incentivize reform-minded governments around the world.
The agreement includes provisions that foreclose governments’ access to discriminatory protectionism and obligate both parties to refrain from backsliding. Mutual recognition across sectors in developed countries would help achieve maximum market barrier reduction, the report argues, and enables consumers to access goods and services across both markets fully. All the while both states would preserve national sovereignty to legislate and regulate in ways that do not discriminate against imported goods, services, or capital.
As the U.K. government prepares to repatriate its authority over trade policymaking for the first time in 45 years, concluding and implementing a free trade agreement with the United States should be among its highest priorities. Indeed, the Department for International Trade has selected the U.S. as one of four potential trade agreements on which it is currently seeking public consultation.
In many respects, the U.S. and U.K. economies already benefit from a high level of economic integration. U.S. entities are the largest foreign direct investors in the United Kingdom, and U.K. entities account for the largest share of foreign direct investment in the United States. The value of the cumulative investment stands at nearly $1.3 trillion today. More than 1.1 million Americans work for British companies in the U.S. and nearly 1.5 million Britons are directly employed by U.S. affiliates.
It is, in addition, an exceptionally popular proposition for both the UK and the US. In a recent Public First / YouGov Poll, 67% of British people surveyed said that they supported an FTA being signed with America (with just 9% opposed), while 64% of Americans would would support an FTA with Britain (with just 7% opposed).
The greatest area of benefit could come from an enhanced equivalence model of mutual recognition across all financial sectors. Finance and insurance represented 7.5% of US GDP (or $1.45 trillion) and 6.5% of UK GDP (£119bn). After the financial crisis of 2007-2008 financial regulators have sought equivalent outcomes with high degrees of synchronization on Wall Street and in the City and the report argues fostering greater collaboration between regulators could increase best practice while expanding and access to services for consumers.
In total, the ideal free trade agreement includes provisions to liberalize trade that are spread over 18 different chapters. Innovative, market-based rules are presented on subjects such as Regulatory Coherence, E-Commerce, Sanitary and Phytosanitary measures, Dispute Settlement, and provisions governing third party accession.
Dan Ikenson, director of the Cato Institute’s Centre for Trade Policy and co-author of the paper, said that the the objective of the project is: “to persuade policymakers and the public in both countries that a comprehensive bilateral trade and investment agreement removing all barriers to trade across all sectors of both economies without exception is in their best interests and to provide the blueprint of an agreement that would be the most liberalizing FTA in the world.”
Beyond providing the formal agreement text and summaries, the paper “provides an intellectual basis for why real free-traders are often skeptical of free trade agreements, which often include protectionist or ‘managed trade’ provisions, and how this FTA overcomes those concerns,” Ikenson explains.
For further comments or to arrange an interview in the UK, contact Matt Kilcoyne, via matt@adamsmith.org| +44 (0) 7584 778 207
For further comments or to arrange an interview in the USA, contact Sheridan Hoover, Media Relations Coordinator @ The Cato Institute, via shoover@cato.org| +1 (202) 216-1495
“A Free Trader’s Perspective: The ideal free trade agreement between the United States and the United Kingdom” will be live on the websites of the Initiative for Free Trade, the Cato Institute, the Adam Smith Institute, The American Enterprise Institute, the Centre for Policy Studies, the Competitive Enterprise Institute, the Institute of Economic Affairs, the Manhattan Institute, Mercatus, Politeia, and the Heritage Foundation websites from 09:30 EDT/14:30 BST TUESDAY 18TH SEPTEMBER 2018 and can be accessed here in advance.
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